
Base malt

Base malt provides a versatile basis for the production of beer, whisky and more.

  • High enzymatic activity 

  • Excellent workability during the brewing process 

  • Can be used with a mash bill of 100 % or provide a solid base for creative mixtures 

  • Available in conventional quality, EU organic, Bioland or Bio Suisse Organic

Schuema® Pils

Pilsner malt

Schuema® Pale Ale

Pale ale malt (4-7 EBC)

Schuema® Vienna

Viennese malt (6-8 EBC)

Schuema® Munich

Munich malt (15-35 EBC)

Schuema® Melanoidin

Melanoidin malt (50-80 EBC)

Schuema® Wheatmalt

Wheatmalt light standard

Schuema® Ryemalt

Ryemalt light standard

Schuema® Speltmalt

Speltmalt light standard

Schuema® Diastatic malt

Diastatic malt light standard

Schuema® Oatmalt

Oatmalt light standard


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More Schuema malts

Foto des Schuema Malzkaffees

Malt coffee

Malt coffee made with the greatest care according to an acient, traditional recipe from selected regional summer malting barley.

Foto des Schuema Basismalz

Base malt

Base malt provides a versatile basis for the production of beer, whisky and more.

Foto des Schuema Rauchmalz

Smoked malt

Smoked malt enables individual flavors through smoking agents such as peat, beech or hickory, especially in whisky production.

Foto der Schuema Malzkeimpellets

Malt culms pellets

Pelletized malt culms are suitable as animal feed or as organic fertilizer.

Foto des Schuema Röstgetreides

Roasted cereals

Roasted grain impresses with increased foam stability and intense roasted aromas.

Foto des Schuema Karamellmalz

Caramel malt

Caramel malt provides color, aroma and fullness for your recipe.

Foto des Schuema Röstmalz

Roasted malt

Roasted malt intensifies drinks and food with its deep taste and dark color.
